Gift Card

A gift to experience and remember

Buy a gift card, get it instantly, print at home or deliver by mail.

Want to give something different this time?

How about some hot emotions? No need to go shopping.

You can get a Virtual Gift Card in only a few minutes. Just pick the value you are willing to spend and go to the checkout. In no time you will have the card (In PDF-format) in your mailbox. You can forward it digitally or print it out.

If you prefer to get a Printed Card, you can buy it from the venue (Akadeemia 7, Pärnu) or we will post it for you. In that case, it is better to call us first, so that we can discuss the details. +372 55528376

The gift card is valid for one year.

The receivers of the gift can select the escape room that is right for them.